Our team-building trip to Sherba was a great success!
Over a 3-day min-getaway, we truly bonded! Teachers with students, students with students, parents with teachers; it was a great way for everyone to get to know everyone! For those who did not make it out to join the fun this year, we hope you will next year. You won't regret it.

We went on hikes, ate great food, and sat around a bonfire at night. We were able to unwind and enjoy nature, far away from the city, work, and the internet. It was absolutely heavenly!

The children play a scavenger hunt game (congratulations to the winning team, each of whom got a great cup with a team photo on it. It was loads of fun for the kids to scavenger around for the items on their lists. They were quite competitive, but according to the judges, only one team found all of the 'artifacts'!

Then there was talent night. Some did gymnastics, some sang, some showed their talents with playing cards, but everyone had a blast!
Sherba, we will be back in 2021!
